Mar 20, 2015

Kiss Me Organics Culinary Grade Organic Matcha review

I had a chance to try out Kiss Me Organics Culinary Grade Organic Matcha recently and was pleasantly surprised. Traditional matcha is supposed to have a slight bitter taste because of its high caffeine content but this organic matcha didn't. Since I enjoy drinking matcha with sugar and milk, which some would call a sin, it's nice that there isn't a bitter note

I like that unlike brewed green tea, this matcha contains the entire tea leaf which dramatically increases the nutritional content. There are many ways to incorporate this in your diet through smoothies, muffins, pancakes, etc. and they blend nicely to me.

I enjoyed trying this matcha an hope Kiss Me Organics comes out with a larger version soon that comes in a spill-proof container.

You can check them out at their various sites:

Press sample.

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